The plaza is the great heart of Falabella's new flagship store in the heart of Santiago de Chile,where a central totem over 16 meters high stands as the main visual attraction. Thedimension, professional sound and stunning digital art content create in the visitor a totalimmersion effect and WOW effect hard to forget.
The high quality of the technology installed on the 3 sides of the totem makes the contentsthat have been worked for this immersive experience can be performed with great detail,making the visitor is immersed in a magical world when climbing the lateral escalators of thesquare. The idea is to generate poetic contents that accompany the space and generate veryattractive and beautiful visual environments.
This audiovisual installation is completed with interactive games for all ages where visitors willbe the protagonists of this colossal screen. The Central Plaza, full of sensors, allows visitors,old, young and young at heart, to play and have fun in an interactive way. The most moderntechnology works its magic to allow us to enjoy Augmented Reality, share photos with friendsand even test skills in the great interactive Pinball.